Weekend Update

Ok, so I am officially done with MSU until January. Wow. Program’s over, didn’t kill anyone and I’m only mildly sleep deprived from loud, drunken, inconsiderate asshole classmates staying up until the wee hours of the morning tramping about and shouting at each other ’cause they have no concept of “indoor voices”.

Berlin was…Berlin. I’m looking forward to going back on my own. I was really lazy before and didn’t do much on my own. This time I plan to tear it up.

Over the last few days we were in Jena, another city where MSU has a study abroad program. I ran into ‘der Kenton’, who’s doing his Doktor Arbeit in Weimar but living and teaching in Jena. I think. We took two day trips from Jena: Erfurt and Weimar. They were interesting towns, but I was a bit burned out from dealing with all the stress and drama of travelling and living with my classmates in such close quarters that I didn’t have much energy or Lust for doing too much.

Right now I’m in Dresden, and I have done so far today: taken a nap, read, consumed half of a cheese pizza and a very small soda. Tomorrow I plan to break out of this funk and force myself to do something productive, hopefully everything will be better after a good night’s sleep.

BTW, my hostel is awesome. My room has a mural of Aquarius, the water bearer on the ceiling. That’s my sign! It seems that all the rooms are astrologically themed, but it doesn’t come off as cheesy and lame. Me likey. Well, except for the group of germans who don’t seem to know how to close a door quietly…

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