In the fall of 2003, while trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life after graduation, I began to consider an option that I had previously considered a little more than slightly insane: the Peace Corps. After doing some research and talking to my local recruiter, I decided that it was something that I wanted to do and began the long process of actually joining. There have been many annoyances and tests of my patience, but it is all worth it in the end.
I put together a website so that my friends and family could keep track of where I was and if I was alive and kicking as well as an account of my experiences that may be informational to people considering making a similar journey.
- Peace Corps Philippines Journal
- Peace Corps Philippines Photo Essays- Temporarily borked
- Care Package Tips– (Good for me, PCV/Ps, and probably volunteers in other places…
- Glossary-Peace Corps is just full of wonderful acronyms and PCspeak
- Links– Peace Corps related links & PCV blogs from around the world
- Packing List
- Timeline– From start to finish
- txtlog– A diary of text messages