
Yeah, so I’m almost done with my program…and let me just say that I can’T wait. Don’t get me wrong, I love Germany, my host family, improving my language skills. However, I am about ready to kill my classmates. Man, they’re annoying! For the most part everyon is still really young, or at least acts like it and I want to smack the crap out of the majority of them.

I tried to go out swing dancing on Friday, there was supposed to be something going on…but when I got there it had every other Friday this month listed on the events board except this one. Poop on that. I’m getting a bit antsy to have something familiar to do.

On the plus side: I went out clubbing last night. I’m sore, dancing on concrete will do that to ya. I saw lots of transvestites, there’s a big gay pride parade in Berlin this weekend. Saw a very convincing drag queen at the club wearing assless pants and a thong. The guys idn’t realize she wasn’t a girl until I told them. Hehehe. The sun was coming up as we left the club, it was so beautiful right about 4:45 the sky was all lovely and peach coloured. Good times were had by all.

I also had some lovely spanish food last night. Mmm….chorizo. I also picked up some more free post cards. You should all be excited about that.

I just saw Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind again. It’s a beautiful movie, but wow! what a downer. I think there’s going to be a grey cloud over my head for the next few days, and no I’m not referring to the crappy weather we’ve been having.

Two more days here, then we’re on the move again. Wish me luck in not getting fed up and murdering everyone. I’d hate for my trip to be cut short for something stupid like a prison sentence.

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