After the Storm

A brief update:

We are still without power, it has been almost three weeks. We were told that Oct. 15th would be the magic day, but it came and went without power. Now I’ve been told that Oct. 19th is the new magic day for power. I’m not holding my breath.

Due to a bizarre incident at my school with the principal (who, for no apparent reason decided to tell me two days after the typhoon that I “have no business” with him and that I’m “not welcome” at HIS school) and not wanting to mess things up with him and my supervisor (who is his supervisor as well) it’s been decided that I will just work at other schools and he can be the loser who drove away the volunteer from the central school. So far I have not been able to ascertain what the actual problem is, but nobody wants to ask ’cause this guy is always in a bad mood and prone to be a Grade A jerk when he’s in a bad mood. Anyway, I’m working now at a smaller school in the town with a fantastic principal that I looooove! I’m pretty sure that I will never know what the problem is, but I’m just going to assume it’s because he’s a cranky old guy who *maybe* needs to retire. I found out after this incident, that nobody else likes him (I’ve always found the guy offensive but I’ve been polite and would never tell anyone that I couldn’t stand him) and that they were hoping that he would get promoted because that’s really the only way to get rid of someone. Apparently, he didn’t rank well on the list for promotions, so maybe that’s what his problem with me is…

Things are pretty much going…not much new except it seems that every weekend since I returned from Manila there has been a lavish, drawn out competition at the school. Last week was a readathon and speech fest competition. I’ve decided that Sartre was wrong, hell isn’t other people…it’s listening to speech choirs perform “The Creation, by James Weldon Johnson” repeatedly.

That’s about it for now, nothing new really. Just hanging in there waiting for the power to work again and chasing house lizards out of my fridge.

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