I’m sure this will come and go, but today was a rough day.
There are certain things I understand are difficult about working with Filipinos, but I’m starting to understand and learn how to circumnavigate those difficulties. However, when it’s an American, a fellow volunteer, that is the one being difficult it’s rather rough to deal with.
I guess it’s a good lesson to learn that no matter where you go, people will be people and they’ll flake out or they be inconsiderate of others. What I find bothersome is when other people excuse unacceptable behavior because it’s easier than calling someone on their behavior. Compared to Filipinos, I’d say that Americans are pretty darn good at direct confrontation when it’s necessary. I guess “when it’s necessary” is just a little too subjective to satisfy me today.
Man, that stinks! You should resort to physical violence. Sure, it might get you administratively separated… but I’d think it was way stinkin’ cool and funny!… and let’s face it, having good stories is all that matters in life. No one sitting on your front porch drinking lemonade in 50 years will remember that you were in the peace corps, but they will definately remember all the times that you kicked someone’s ass…. or maybe that’s just alabama… hmmmm…