Today is another first…my first typhoon!
Don’t worry, it’s a signal 1 storm- which means it’s pretty much a glorified rainstorm that’ll go on for a few days. Last night I awakened to the sound of loud rain on our tin roof, at first it sounded like my fan had become extremely loud- but after a few moments and my sleep-haze had disappeared, I realized it was POURING! Then we had a brown out, which I know because my fan went out and it became stiflingly hot in my room. Luckily, the brown out lasted less than 5 minutes- ’cause I don’t think I could have slept the night without any moving air.
There’s actually a pretty good website that updates typhoon conditions for the Philippines, Typhoon2000. After my host parents informed me of the typhoon at breakfast, I received a text from PC of the current conditions and forecast for the next few days. In the meantime, we have class tomorrow and I’m pretty sure that our hiking trip back to Malabsay Falls on Sunday will have to be rescheduled…
I wish WE had a typhoon (done in best pouty voice)
Instead we just get two straight weeks of crappy cold rainy days!
But I’m sure your power doesn’t go out for 3 or 4 days at a time because of it…