At 4:11 Friday morning I was awakened by my bladder telling me that I shouldn’t drink so much water before bed. While I don’t like using the CR (comfort room, Filipino English for bathroom) late at night, rolling over and going back to sleep was not an option. The problem is, the CR is outside and the backyard is scary enough during the daytime much less at night. I gathered my courage and stumbled out the back door of the kitchen, turned on the light in the CR and cautiously opened the door- not sure what I would find within.
It appears that I interrupted a late-night tryst of the most disturbing variety. On the floor at the foot of the toilet was a toad (whom I had earlier chased out so I could shower). He was looking up at the toilet where a spider the size of my hand sat on the rim of the bowl (no seat). The whole scene quite resembled a moment from Rapunzle, specifically when the prince asks to let down her hair to him. I can only imagine what I would have found had I arrived 5 minutes later.
After my initial shock, then amusement, I formulated a plan to clear my path. Next to the door is a trashcan where they collect water for showering and flushing. I took off the lid and filled a dipper with water and flung it in the general direction of the spider (my main concern). Having that annoying “spider sense,” she leapt out of the way but not off of the toilet. Instead, she landed on the other side of the bowl. I repeated this several times over, but with no luck- that damned spider was determined to hold her ground and refused to leave the general vicinity of the toilet. The toad, I managed to chase off with a flip-flop. All the while I am doing this, my need to urinate was increasing and I had no intention of putting my butt anywhere near that freakishly large spider (though, I’ve seen bigger in the scary back yard).
The dilemma, and the riddle, is what was to be done? I did not simply return to bed- nor did I suffer any spider attacks but, I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions on the outcome of this story.
yeah, thanks for that visual ::yuck::
i’m studying capital expenditures and limitations on deductions for my tax class…..would much rather be splashing spiders with you :)
what? no picture of said massive spider?
I don’t bring my camera to the bathroom with me, so sorry…no pictures of this guy. I have a picture of another one about the same size that was in my room a few weeks ago. I don’t think that they’re actually spiders, though- they only have 6 legs. Doesn’t make them any less creepy.